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Remote UX Workshops: 10 Tips To Be Successful
With a large majority of people working from home since 2021, we have had to find suitable remote solutions. Whether it's for meetings, projects, user research or just a quick catch-up. UX Workshops are now having to be done remotely as well, and design thinking...
Why Personalisation Matters in User Experience?
User experience (UX) activities primarily revolve around enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability and accessibility for users interacting with physical or digital products. These activities usually include user research, sketching, interaction...
A Complete Guide to Mobile Responsive Design
Web development has progressed by leaps and bounds since the beginning of the World Wide Web. In the early days, website designers did not need to worry much about how their sites appeared to different clients. This was because most users would access websites from...
Different Types of Usability Testing Methods
Usability testing involves using different techniques to ensure that users of a product can execute intended tasks efficiently, effectively, and satisfactorily. In usability testing, prospective users will be recruited to perform tasks typical of a user group in an...
How to Conduct Usability Testing for Mobile Apps?
During usability testing, the moderator typically collect qualitative data like behavioural observations and participant comments. UX Researchers would also sometimes collect quantitative data like task times and success rates. By critically analysing this data, the...
Field Studies vs Usability Testing: Which Is Better?
Usability is essentially the measurement of a product’s usefulness from the users’ perspective. In principle, usability can be segmented into three fundamental elements: efficiency, effectiveness, and user satisfaction. As a research methodology, the lack of...
Amazon’s Omnichannel User Experience: A Case Study
Omnichannel user experience is a series we have been diving into, more specifically, the importance of it and how to create an omnichannel user experience. With the rapid growth of digital products and services, it's pertinent to take a new look at what digital...
10 Usability Testing Tools to Try in 2022
Choosing an appropriate usability testing tool is vital to executing an effective user experience. Typically, the choice of tool depends on the type of usability testing method you'll employ. It is true that you can run usability testing without a specialised tool,...
6 Types of Survey Respondents to Be Cautious About
A survey is essentially a research methodology employed to collect data from a predefined group of respondents to gain insights into specific topics of interest. For the most part, survey research aims to assess a specific market or user needs or determine whether or...