User Interface Design Guidelines Explained

User Interface Design Guidelines Explained

Even if an application has multiple important features, or delivers a revolutionary way to solve humanity’s biggest problems, it means little if its interface repels users and is a nightmare to operate. 

A user-friendly has a strong effect on user engagement and retention. And is therefore essential for the commercial success of any organisation. 

However, creating a great UI design is a non-trivial task as it involves careful consideration of elements like background, position, size, form, colour, fonts, etc.

User interface design process

The UI design process revolves around creating products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences for users. 

It involves research and analysis of all user-related information, consideration of content hierarchy, navigation design, and functionality of the visual elements. 

The core principles when undertaking the UI design process are:

  1. Design with problem-solving in mind.
  2. The design begins with pen and paper, not software tools.
  3. Always fight for the user.
  4. Design with research, such as insights from user interviews and usability tests.
  5. Listen more and be eager to be proven wrong, just as you’re to be proven right.

Typically, the results of a good user interface design process are:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Improved productivity
  • Reduced errors
  • Reduced training and reinforced learning

Components of UI design

  • Typography: This involves consideration of font type, typeface choices, and font sizes that can be utilised.
  • Colours: This considers colour choices that can be employed, including primary, secondary, and tertiary colours.
  • Interaction & Behaviour: This principle covers actions and user interactions with a component (such as hover, scroll, click, etc.)
  • Error & System Status: This guide entails information if an error occurs and displays the status of an action.
  • Buttons: This considers the shape, colour, text, radius, size, and button behaviour.
  • Icons: This considers the icon type and size.
  • Input & Form: This serves as a guide for the shape and size of the input field.
  • Spacing: This guides the manipulation of the distance between components and white space.

Read our blog piece on “UX Design and UI Design – What Is the Difference?

User interface design principles

1. Pay attention to feedback

Feedback can either be visual, audio or through the sense of touch. Every action should have some form of feedback to indicate whether an action was successful or not. 

user interface feedback

In essence, feedback can you help to answer issues related to users like: 

  1. Status: What’s going on? Is it still going on?
  2. Location: Where did the issue occur?
  3. Future status: What is next?
  4. Outcomes & Results: What really happened?

2. Get started with a black and white design and add on to it

It is advisable to avoid beginning user interface design with visual details like the colour scheme. Most wireframes start with varying tones of grey as colours and details are distracting.

black & white designs

Actually, most UI designers start with the basic bones and layout of screens in black and white. 

This allows them to focus only on the efficiency of the space, prioritising elements like the visual hierarchy of key components. Over time, they build on this grey base and introduce more details. 

3. Utilise and maintain standards 

Design standards are usually in place for a reason as humans only have a limited amount of memory for tasks. 

For example, existing standards suggest not to employ a dollar icon to login, or not putting the main menu on the footer of a website. 

Users are conditioned to expect specific visual elements in certain areas. On the other hand, heuristics can be exploited as they are based on patterns and research, and can improve a user’s experience.

4. Keep the interface consistent

Consistency fosters familiarity, and familiar interfaces tend to naturally be more usable. 

Additionally, consistent design usually reduces friction for the user as it offers predictability. And predictable designs are always easier to understand without instruction. 

5. Keep it simple & clear

Simple interfaces always offer a classic and timeless feel, and never go out of style. So, with modern techniques, you can still aspire for an elegant and simple design. 

Take Slack as an example. The app keeps the content and designs simple for giving a smooth onboarding experience to users. The layout makes it simple to understand and there is a prominent “call to action” button for guiding the user to the next step. 

Slacksimple & clear user interface

The layout avoids clutter, provides easy to navigate tabs and is laid out in a simplified design which is easy to understand for beginners. 

6. Reduce cognitive load

This concept revolves around not making users ‘over-think’. There are a few different ways and principles you can utilise to reduce cognitive load, namely:

  • Employ the 3-click rule where it shouldn’t take more than 3 clicks to find any information
  • Avoid chunk actions and information, for example, breaking up phone numbers in a 3-3-4 manner, rather than using a 10-digit sequence results in fewer errors. 
  • Minimise recall in favour of recognition by using common images and icons in context to help users easily identify functionality. 

However, this is only a guideline. As long as the users are able to confidently know what or where to click for their next step, it is still ok to have more than 3 clicks.  

7. Minimise actions and steps per screen

Ensure to streamline the tasks and number of actions required of a user so they can be performed in as few steps as possible. Each screen should maintain one primary focus. 

8. Flexibility

Ensure to build your UI to function optimally across multiple platforms. 

UI function optimally across all platforms
Credit: Macworld


Of course, it may need to be tweaked occasionally depending on the form factor of a device, and its operating system (for instance, Android and iOS). However, it should remain flexible enough to work on any platform.

10. Use real-world metaphors in your UI

Despite the fact that most users are now extremely familiarised with digital products, it’s still a smart idea to use real-world metaphors. Take for instance the “delete” or “edit” icons on most apps. Most sites/apps use the trash bin for depicting the delete or recycle bin. Similarly, a pen is used to show the edit sign.

Since these are metaphors that are easily understood by most users, it does not leave them anxious and searching for simple tabs on an interface. 

Most designers strongly feel that these metaphors improve the general usability of a product since they’re so simple to understand, even at first glance.


In summary, in today’s evolving digital world, UI sits up there with speed and content as the crux of any website or app. 

Unfortunately, even the smallest change in UI Design can have a considerable impact on the user experience. So, a company’s UI design speaks to clients and should be taken seriously if the business wants to succeed. 

The goal of effective UI design is to produce a user interface that is self-explanatory, efficient, and enjoyable (user-friendly). 

And while UI design guidelines provide a strong foundation, effectively implementing them throughout the design process requires expertise and experience. If lack of time and resources are a big issue, a UI/UX design agency can be a valuable asset in this area. Their team of specialists can ensure consistent application of these guidelines across all touchpoints, resulting in a cohesive and user-friendly interface. Agencies can also conduct usability testing to identify any areas where the guidelines might not be working as intended, allowing for refinement and optimization.

In addition to the aforementioned principles, remember to follow industry standards and conventions within your design elements. Make sure that you provide multilingual support that matches your operational location. Finally, endeavour for uniformity.  

The article is a part of our comprehensive series on “User interface.”

What Is a Natural User Interface?

What Is a Natural User Interface?

An interface is any medium that facilitates interaction. For example, a language is a communication interface between two people.

A translator is an interface for an individual to interact with another who doesn’t speak the same language. Similarly, an API is an interface for computer software to interact with another software program.

Typically, when users find interaction with an interface challenging, their cognitive load is high. One way to keep the cognitive load to a minimum in software nowadays is by leveraging natural user interface concepts.

Natural User Interface Definition

A natural user interface (NUI) is a system for human-computer interaction that a user operates via intuitive actions related to natural, everyday human behaviour leveraging modalities like touch, gestures or voice.

Natural user interface design relies on a user being able to perform relatively natural gestures to control a computer application or manipulate the on-screen content.

How does NUI work?

NUI design focuses on traditional human abilities, like vision, touch, speech, handwriting, motion, cognition, creation, and exploration to replicate real-world environments. This helps to optimise interactions between physical and digital objects.

This means that NUIs leverage on natural human skills to minimise cognitive load and human distraction.

The main NUI principles are:

  • Performance aesthetics- The joy of doing/using an interface.
  • Direct manipulation- Direct interaction with informative objects.
  • Contextual environments- Interfaces locating themselves in space and time.
  • Super real- How humans perceive interfaces as super real.
  • Social Interaction- Interfaces enabling users to engage with other users.
  • Spatial relationships- Objects being intelligent and having auras.
  • Scaffolding- Indications of how an interaction will unfold.
  • Seamlessness- Achieving minimal barriers between the users and the information.

Advantages of Natural User Interface (NUI)

The primary benefit of a NUI is improved user experience. Humans are naturally attracted to things that are naturally associated with them.

Hence, in most cases, people will likely opt for a device that deploys a touch-screen interface than the traditional computer keyboard and mouse.

A touch-screen interface as an application of NUI is more interactive, intuitive, and lively, making it more enjoyable and convenient to operate with.

So, user interaction with NUIs feels more fun, easy and natural since the user can employ a broader range of basic skills in contrast to more traditional GUI interaction—which mainly happens via a mouse and a keyboard.

Applications of NUI

Speech Recognition

Speech recognition as an application of NUIs helps drivers to keep their eyes on the wheel during navigation.

Therefore, promoting safer driving experiences as drivers can make a phone call, set their GPS location or even change radio channels using verbal commands.

Brain-machine Interface

Brain-machine interfaces possess the ability to read neural signals and make use of them.

They generally work by exploiting different software programs that translate the signals into programmatic action.

These interfaces have multiple applications in the health sector as they allow paralysed patients to operate their wheelchairs.

Touch Screen

Touch screen interfaces allow users to interact with a machine or device with the touch of a finger.

Essentially, users do not have to use buttons or a mouse to hover over a GUI.

Currently, this is the most common and a more seamless humanistic way to interact with machines and devices.

touch screen


Touch screen

Gesture recognition

Gesture tracking involves tracking user motions and then leveraging them to send instructions to a system or device.

This NUI is mostly employed in Nintendo Wii and PlayStations as their controllers have accelerometers and gyroscopes to sense the rotation, acceleration, and tilting. And thus, facilitate gesture recognition.

Gesture recognition


Gesture recognition, Credit: ITcra

Gaze Tracking

Gaze tracking is a NUI application that follows the movements and motions of one’s eyes, particularly the eyeball.

Generally, with this NUI application, users can control a system or device through eye movements as exemplified by companies like Lenovo’s laptop device that operates functions through an eye gaze.


Unlike graphical user interface (GUI) interfaces that are enabled by indirect manipulation via a keyboard and mouse, NUIs enable users to interact directly with information objects.

For instance, touch screens and gestural interaction capabilities enable users to feel like they’re physically touching and manipulating objects with their fingertips. Rather than ‘what you see is what you get’, successful NUI interfaces impose the principle of ‘what you do is what you get’.

Unlike GUIs, where multiple options and commands are presented at once and depicted with subtle hierarchy and visual emphasis, an effective NUI constitutes fewer options with interaction scaffolding.

Information objects in a NUI behave in a manner that users intuitively expect.

Natural user interfaces are dynamic and can adapt themselves in space and time. For example, elements like touch screen, speech recognition, gesture recognition, gaze tracking etc make natural user interfaces more intuitive.

With GUI, it is naturally expected for the users to understand and adapt to technology. However, NUI lets the technology adapt to a user according to the actions and requirements performed at a particular time.

On the other hand, GUIs present a user with the same set of options, regardless of the context. Conversely, NUIs are responsive to the environment and suggest what the next interaction should be.

NUI objects are intelligent, and require less cognitive investment, unlike GUIs that are highly visual and usually require a great deal of cognitive focus to utilise.

voice assistants


Example of NUI in the form of voice assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google Home, credits:

Also, read our article on “Graphical user interface.”

Natural user interface examples

  • Voice assistants, like Alexa and Siri
  • Conversational interfaces like The Amazon Echo Dot speaker 
  • Haptic interfaces, like the Apple Watch
  • The Dash wireless, bio-sensing headphones.
  • Touch and multi-touch interactions on mobile phones and tablets

End To End User Research Service In Asia

NX logo
NX logo
Key Highlights
  • provides user research services for businesses & organizations
  • offers a variety of research methords, including interviews, surveys & focus groups
  • conduct research to understand users’ needs, behaviours & attitudes
  • recruit participants who match the client’s target audience & provide incentives for their participation
  • provides a dedicated project manager to oversee the entire research process
  • project manager coordinates the recruitment of participants, the scheduling of research sessions & the delivery of results
  • provide detailed reports that include key findings & recommendations based on the research


All things considered, in NUIs, the interaction is direct and consistent with ‘natural’ human behaviour.

As such, the user can exploit a broader range of basic skills in contrast to more traditional graphical user interface interaction that mainly happens via a mouse and a keyboard.

An effective NUI design should imitate the user’s interaction with the real-world by facilitating a direct correlation between user action and NUI reaction.

An experienced provider of user experience consulting services can help ensure that an NUI design effectively imitates the user’s real-world interactions. They can work closely with businesses to identify the user’s needs and preferences, conduct user research to gather valuable feedback, and develop user-centered design strategies that optimize the user experience.

The article is a part of our comprehensive series on “User interface.”

What Is a Graphical User Interface?

What Is a Graphical User Interface?

Typically, humans extract information about the world using their different senses like vision. As visual creatures, humans learn to interact and communicate with varying objects from birth. 

With the advent of computers, people were forced to think abstractly and deal with a larger number of commands they would not easily remember when performing different tasks, especially if some of them are performed very infrequently. 

Fortunately, computers progressively implemented unique graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to help improve visual operational efficiency of humans interacting with computers. 

So, what is a graphical user interface?

A GUI (graphical user interface) is a system of interactive visual components 

through which users interact with electronic devices via visual indicators and representations.

GUIs were initially introduced in reaction to the steep learning curve of command-line interfaces (CLIs) that required commands to be typed on a computer keyboard.

A GUI helps translate information and represent actions that a user can take. The actions in a GUI are typically performed through direct manipulation of the graphical elements. 

Beyond computers, GUIs are utilised in multiple handheld mobile devices like MP3 players, gaming devices, smartphones and even smaller household, office and industrial controls.

How does the Graphical User Interface work?

As hinted at earlier, a GUI operates by the manipulation of graphical objects. A GUI primarily does this by exploiting a pointer that serves as a navigation instrument to interact with disparate visually appealing graphical icons. 

Abstraction is a key concept that is used in GUI operating systems. Users can employ a pointer to click on the icon that initiates a series of actions. 

Typically, an app or functionality will get started, then the user has to provide input or tasks to generate the intended action from the machine. 

The GUI basically translates user language, which can consists of simple one-line commands, single click and double clicks into a machine language or assembly language. 

The machine comprehends the machine language and then responds to the task initiated, which is then translated into the user’s language and communicated to the user through the GUI.

Furthermore, the appearance of the operating system or application software can be redesigned at will as graphical user interfaces are independent of application functions. 

Apps usually implement their own unique GUI display elements in addition to GUI elements already present in the existing operating system. 

The importance of abstraction in a graphical user interface

Abstraction is a key concept that is used in GUI operating systems. This process allows humans to interact with a device’s underlying code by separating us from the technical details and presenting a simplified interface to the user.

To put it into simpler terms, imagine driving a car. You don’t need to know the specific details of how exactly your car’s engine and steering column work. 

Instead, these complex functions are abstracted away into the car’s user interface: the pedals and the steering wheel. All the driver has to know is that pushing the pedal down moves the car forward, while turning the steering wheel moves it left or right.

The same applies to GUIs: Folder icons are not real folders on your computer screen; they are merely abstractions of the underlying computer software code. These abstractions enable the average user to easily utilise computer technology without having to learn and understand the complexities behind them.

Character interface vs Graphical user interface

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Command-line interface

Commonly known as a command-line user interface (CLI) or non-graphical user interface, a character user interface (CUI) employs text commands, managed by a command-line interpreter to communicate with a computer program. 

Software developers and system administrators exploit command-line interfaces to configure machines, manage files, and access program functions that are otherwise unavailable on a graphical user interface.

Character user interfaces essentially support automation and scripting. They also tend to provide greater granular control and a higher level of functionality than GUIs. 

While the command-line interface was the principal method of operating computers throughout the 1980s, most modern electronic devices currently utilise intuitive graphical user interfaces. 

So, the average user will rarely (if ever) have a reason to access a command-line interface. Here are some most popular graphical user interfaces known to users globally: 

Microsoft Windows 11 Graphical User Interface
Microsoft Windows 11 Graphical User Interface
Apple OS Graphical User Interface
Apple OS Graphical User Interface

Differences between GUI and CLI

Here are some of the main differences between a graphical user interface and command-line user interface:

  • A GUI enables users to interact with the operating system or application. On the other hand, a CLI allows the user to perform tasks by issuing commands in successive lines of text or command lines.
  • The CLI requires memorizing the commands, making it difficult for newcomers, while the GUI is more user-friendly.
  • The CLI is ideal for dealing with difficult tasks, as these tasks may be handled by writing a few commands. By contrast, a GUI requires some steps to function.
  • A CLI only requires the keyboard and the system during interactions, while a GUI has additional resources to engage with the user.
  • The interface in a CLI is consistent all the time, while the interface in a GUI changes as the software is updated.

Advantages of graphical user interface

GUIs offer many advantages over text-based interfaces. These include:

  • Clarity: Each and every response from the computer can be visually communicated through GUI. This ensures that issues can be identified more quickly and easily compared to text-based formats.
  • Simple to use: GUIs offer simplicity, as someone with no technical computer knowledge can use the computer and perform basic functions.
  • Provides shortcuts: The GUI enables users to use shortcut keys to minimise their actions, saving time and improving productivity.
  • Allows multitasking: GUI allows users to work and view two or more programs at the same time. For example, you can watch a streaming lecture while searching a browser for more information.
  • Visual appeal: GUIs are visually appealing and can make anyone get involved in working with the machine.
  • Easier searching: Search functions are streamlined as GUIs provide a visual representation of files present and provide details about them.
  • User-friendliness: There isn’t a steep learning curve as GUIs provide a wide scope for users to explore computer functions and discoverability.
  • Accessibility: GUIs are more accessible to users with disabilities, impairments, and limitations.

Features of graphical user interface

To make a graphical user interface as user-friendly as possible, there are unique elements and objects a user can employ to interact with software. For example:

Microsft Windows 11 Application UI
Microsft Windows 11 Application UI
  • Button – This is a graphical representation of a button that performs an action in a program when pressed.
  • Toolbar – This is made up of a row of buttons, typically near the top of an application window, that control software functions.
  • Dialog box – This type of window displays extra information and asks a user for their input.
  • Ribbon – This serves as a replacement for the File menu and toolbar and groups program activities together.
  • Icon – These are small graphical representations of a program, feature, or file.
  • Menu – These are a list of commands or choices offered to the user through the menu bar.
  • Menu bar – This is a thin, horizontal bar containing the labels of menus.
  • Tab – This is a clickable area at the top of a window that shows another page or area.
  • Window – Rectangular section of a computer’s display that shows the program currently being used.

Informational elements

Here are some examples of GUI informational elements:

  • Message box – It is a small window with information, such as a policy or disclaimer, requiring that you take action before proceeding.
  • Notifications – It is a message box used to indicate emergency warnings, error messages or task completion.
  • Pop-up windows — A pop-up, or modal, window requires you to interact with it before you can return to the system.
  • Progress bar – It shows where you are in a series of steps in a process e.g., your pizza order’s status in the order, cook and delivery process. These are typically not clickable.
  • Tooltips – When you hover over an item, a tooltip offers more information. For example, you might receive a definition and usage examples when hovering over a word or phrase.

Interaction elements of a GUI

Apart from structural elements, a GUI also features interaction elements, such as:

  • Cursors – A cursor indicates where the system will accept input next. One example is a mouse pointer.
  • Selections – A selection refers to a list of items to which a user will apply an operation. For example, a user can select a portion of text for cut, copy and paste operations.
  • Adjustment handles – A handle indicates a drag-and-drop operation. When a user places the pointer on the handle to initiate the drag process, its shape changes to an icon representing the drag function.

Graphical user interface (GUI) examples

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Microsoft programs like Word, Excel, and Outlook.
  • Software programs like Apple Music or Steam
  • Apple’s macOS
  • Chrome OS
  • Linux variants like Ubuntu
  • Internet browsers, like Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox.


A GUI is more user-friendly than a text-based command-line interface, like MS-DOS

Unlike a command-line operating system, a GUI operating system is easier to learn because commands do not need to be memorised. 

The bottom line is that users don’t need to know any programming languages when using a GUI. So, because of their ease of use and modern appearance, GUI operating systems currently dominate today’s market.

Generally, GUIs are a crucial element of the communication of humans with the modern world. As such, an intuitive and usable GUI is key to success for any product that requires constant user interaction.

By working with a user experience consultant to design an intuitive and easy-to-use GUI, businesses can increase user satisfaction and engagement, ultimately improving outcomes for their products or services.

Ready to elevate your GUI design with a focus on UX? Partner with the leading UI/UX design agency in Malaysia today!

The article is a part of our comprehensive series on “User interface.”

What is UX Design?

What is UX Design?

Over the last couple of decades, technologies have become increasingly intricate, with the functionality of apps and websites becoming broader and more complex.

The first websites were simply static pages that delivered information to feed curious searchers.

However, the tide has drastically changed a few decades later, as sites are more interactive and offer a much richer feel for different user bases.

A large part of this ‘richer feel’ pertains to the evolution of user experience (UX) design.

While seemingly complicated, this discipline encompasses different user elements from accessibility to wireframing to cater to users’ emotions about a product. So, let’s delve in more, shall we?

Ux design 



Image by Firmbee from Pixabay

UX Design

To kick off, let’s first define user experience.

User experience (UX) revolves around a person’s emotions, actions and attitudes when using a specific product, system or service.

UX encompasses the practical, effective, experiential, meaningful and valuable elements of human-computer interaction and product ownership.

Consequently, user experience design (UED or XD) are a set of activities that seek to enhance user satisfaction by improving usability, accessibility, and pleasure derived from the interaction between a user and a product.

Fundamentally, UX design incorporates knowledge from multiple disciplines, including:

  • Interaction design
  • Cognitive science
  • Human factors engineering (HFE)
  • Computer science
  • Industrial design
  • Psychology
  • Anthropology
  • Sociology
  • Graphic design

UX design essentially considers every element that shapes how users feel, and how easy it is for users to accomplish their desired tasks. This can be from how a physical product feels in users’ hands, to how straightforward a checkout process is when buying something online.

The goal of UX design is to create an efficient, easy to use, relevant and an all-round positive experience for each user. Thus, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty via usability and the pleasure provided in the interaction with a product.

What does a UX Designer do?

A UX designer is a professional who investigates, researches, and analyses how users feel about products or software applications. In some organisations, UX designers have the luxury of UX researchers to help with the user research while they focus on the design of the user journey.

UX designers apply the user insights they learned to product development to ensure that users have the best possible experience with a product.

UX designers also strategise and share with other members of the product development team their findings, and monitor development projects to ensure their findings are well implemented.

UX practitioners focus their efforts in understanding the relationship between human users and computer-based products. These include websites, applications and systems—  to create seamless user experiences for products and services. They help build a bridge to the end customer, helping a business to better understand and fulfil the customer’s needs and expectations.

Tools used by UX designers

UX professionals’ work includes user market research, sketching, wireframing, interaction design, visual design, user testing, prototyping, and continuous iterations on designs.

For the most part, UX designers usually rely on a number of different tools to execute their work. For example, at the research stage, they can use survey and polling tools, and video chat software to interview users and gather actionable data.

Though the most popular tools used by UX designers are programs for wireframing, prototyping and usability testing like InVision, Adobe XD, Figma and Balsamiq.

The UX design process

The UX design process mainly has five key stages, namely:

Product definition

This phase of UX design occurs before the product design team creates anything. Before you build a product, it’s important to understand the context for its existence. The product definition stage helps set the foundation for the final product.

This phase includes:

  • Stakeholder brainstorming sessions and interviews to gather insights about business goals.
  • Value proposition mapping to determine what the product is, who shall use it, and why they will use it. Essentially, value propositions enable the team and stakeholders to create a consensus around what the product will be, and how to match users and business needs.
  • Concept sketching to create an early mockup of the future product (for example, low-fidelity paper sketches of a product’s architecture).

Product research

After defining the idea, the product team then moves to the research phase. This phase usually includes user research and market research.

Overall, seasoned UX designers consider research as a good investment that informs design decisions to save the organisation money down the road.

However, product research typically depends on the intricacy of the product and timing, and can include:

  • Individual in-depth interviews (IDI) to derive qualitative data about the target audience like their needs, wants, fears, motivations, and behaviours.
  • Competitor research and benchmarking to understand industry standards and identify specific opportunities for the product within its niche.

Product analysis

The analysis phase aims to draw actionable insights from data collected during the research phase. During this particular stage, UX designers confirm if the team’s most important assumptions are indeed correct.

This stage of the UX process includes:

  • Storyboarding.
  • Creating user personas.
  • Creating user stories.

Product design

After confirming users’ wants, needs, and expectations from a product, UX designers can then move to the design phase. This stage involves various activities, from creating information architecture (IA) to UI design.




Photo by Sahand Babali on Unsplash

An effectual design phase is highly collaborative (involving active participation from all team players) and iterative (cycles back upon itself to validate ideas).

The design phase includes:

  • Sketching
  • Creating prototypes.
  • Creating wireframes.
  • Creating a design specification.


The validation stage helps teams understand whether their design is applicable and acceptable to their users. Usually, this phase starts after the high-fidelity design is finished.

This is because testing with high-fidelity designs delivers more valuable feedback from end-users. But we have also seen many teams that invest in smaller user testing rounds on wireframes or low fidelity clickable prototypes to get earlier insights to guidement their design refinement.

During user testing sessions, the team carefully validates the product with both stakeholders and end-users using:

  • Surveys
  • Testing sessions
  • Analytics across quantitative data (such as number of clicks, navigation time, search queries, etc.)

Benefits of a good UX design

In the early days of the internet, product design was much simpler as designers built products they thought were awesome and cool.

However, there was far less competition for users’ attention online. Secondly, there was no direct consideration for users of the product at all. Actually, the success or failure of a project was down to luck and the judgement of the design team.

In today’s fast-paced tech-driven world, UX focuses on the user to increase the chances of a project’s success when it finally hits the market. Partnering with a professional UI/UX design agency can ensure your design is user-centered and meets the highest standards.

So, what are the benefits of a great UX design?

  • UX helps companies to discover the goals of their audience: During research into UX design, UX designers will get a lot of opinions. These can shape your website design goals and help you define your customer base by creating personas.

This can also help an organisation to analyse who will most likely visit their site, and once they figure this out, they can easily provide a good user experience.

  • Augmented customer satisfaction and engagement: The better the experience one creates for their customers, the happier they will be. And the opposite is true.

A bad experience will make customers more frustrated with what you’re providing them. And consequently, they shall be less likely to recommend your offering to friends and family.

  • User Experience affects the product itself, not just its promotion: There is a vital difference between digital marketing and user experience. Generally, marketing is about making people want things, UX design is about making things people want.
  • Lower cost of support: An easy to use and logical interface, service, process, or product doesn’t require extensive help documentation, and support staff on standby. In turn, this translates into cost savings on people devoted to support and user assistance.

UX Design Examples

There are several vital factors that affect the overall experience a user has with a product:

  • Usefulness: Is the product helpful, with a clear purpose?
  • Aesthetics: Is the visual appearance of the site and its design appealing to the user?
  • Emotions: Are positive emotional feelings evoked in response to the product?
  • Usability: Is the product easy to use
  • Learnability: Is the product simple to master quickly, with minimal instruction?

To a large extent, the quality of a user experience can make a difference whether a company succeeds or fails.

For instance, consider some companies that have failed in the last decade like Yahoo! It wasn’t only disruption or technological advances to blame, but failure to continually consider the user’s needs.

Yahoo! introduced substantial clutter on their homepage. In turn, rather than allowing users to complete simple tasks like a search or email check, this disrupted the user experience.

UI/UX Design Services

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NX logo
Key Highlights
  • Provides UX design services for businesses & organizations
  • Uses a human-centered design approach to create digital products that meet users’ need
  • Conduct research to understand users’ needs
  • Create wireframes & prototypes to test and refine a design
  • Conducts product analysis, validation & testing


Though often confused, UI and UX aren’t the same but are separated by their focus on interfaces versus interactions.

As has been noted, UX design focuses on designing (digital or physical) products that are easy to use, and delightful to interact with. UX design aims to enhance the experience that users have while interacting with a product, and ensure they find value in what you’re providing.

Overall, as an art and science, UX design aims to generate positive emotions through product interactions.

The central goal for good user experience design is to keep engaging users to purchase/subscribe or continue coming back to the site for similar queries. Finally, remember a good UX design also always seeks to improve from the user feedback gotten.

Reach us at Netizen Experience for UI/UX design services in Malaysia.

User Interface: Beginner’s Guide

User Interface: Beginner’s Guide

A user interface is the most essential element of a computer-based system. 

If a user interface is poorly designed, users’ ability to leverage computational applications may be severely hindered. Actually, a weak interface can cause an otherwise well-designed and solidly executed application to fail altogether.

Photo by Sahand Babali on Unsplash

What is user interface design?

A user interface (UI) is an interactional point at which human users can communicate with a computer program, website, or application. 

The central goal of an effective UI is to fundamentally make a user’s experience more straightforward and intuitive, requiring minimum effort to receive the maximum desired outcome.

That being said, user interface design is a discipline where designers build interactive interfaces in software or computerised devices, with a principal focus on looks or style. 

In UI design, designers seek to create interfaces that users will find easy to use and pleasurable. It is commonly synonymous with User Experience (UX) design, which we shall expand on later.

Overall, UI design starts with identifying users, tasks, and environmental requirements. Once tasks have been extensively identified, user scenarios are then created and analysed to define a set of interface objects and actions. 

This provides a foundation for the creation of a screen layout that depicts:

  • Graphical design, 
  • Icon placement, 
  • Definition of descriptive screen text, 
  • Specification of major and minor menu items. 

As the design progresses, elements like response time, error handling, command and action structuring are handled as the design model is refined. 

user interface

Types of user interfaces

  • Graphical user interface: This UI takes input via a visual UI output (keyboard and monitor).
  • Form-based user interface: This type of UI is used to enter data into a software program or app by offering a limited selection of choices. For instance, a settings menu on a device is form-based.
  • Menu-driven user interface: This type of UI uses a list of choices to help users navigate a program or website. For instance, ATMs employ menu-driven UIs that are easy for everyone to use.
  • Touch user interface: This type of user interface operates through haptics or touch. Most tablets, smartphones and smart devices that operate using a touch screen employ a haptic input.
  • Voice user interface: This type of interface supports interactions between humans and machines via auditory commands. For example, virtual assistant devices like Apple Siri or Amazon Alexa, talk-to-text, GPS, etc.

User interface design principles

The three key principles for the effective design of user interfaces are: 

  • Place the user in control
  • Reduce the user’s memory load
  • Make the interface consistent. 

However, to achieve an interface that conforms to these principles, an organised design process is required that considers other supporting principles. 

So, let’s break it down, shall we?

  1. Define interaction elements in a way that doesn’t force a user into unnecessary or undesired actions: For example, there is no reason to force a user to remain in spell checking mode if the user desires to do a small text edit along the way. Ideally, a user should be able to enter and exit any mode they choose, with little to no effort.
  2. Reduce users’ memory load: Remember, the more users have to remember, the more error-prone their interaction with the system will be. This is why it’s important to build a user interface that doesn’t tax the user’s memory. 
  3. Enable flexible interaction: Since different users have disparate interaction preferences, choices should always be provided. For instance, software can allow users to interact via keyboard commands, a digitiser pen, mouse movement, or voice recognition commands. 
  4. Allow user interactions to be interruptible and undoable: Whenever involved in a sequence of actions, users should be able to interrupt the sequences to do something else (without losing the work that has been done). Users should also be able to always undo‖ any action.
  5. Always streamline user interactions as skill levels advance and allow the interaction to be customised: Users typically find that they execute the same sequence of interactions repeatedly. As such, it can be helpful to design a mechanism that enables an advanced user to customise the interface to facilitate their exact interactions.
  6. Establish meaningful defaults: Your initial set of defaults should always make sense for the average user. However, a user should also be able to specify individual preferences. Furthermore, a reset option should always be available to enable the redefinition of original default values.
  7. Define shortcuts that are intuitive. Whenever mnemonics are exploited to accomplish a system function (for instance, alt-P to trigger the print function), it should always be tied to the action in a manner that is easy to remember (for example, the first letter of the task to be invoked).
  8. Hide technical internals from the casual user. An effective user interface should always move users into the virtual world of the application. Users should not be aware of the operating system’s underworkings, file management functions, or other technical complexities.

    Ideally, the interface should never require users to interact at a complex level that is ―inside the machine. For example, users should never be required to type OS commands from within application software.

  9. Maintain a level of consistency across a family of applications: A set of apps (or products) should all execute the same design rules so that consistency is maintained for all interactions.
  10. Design for direct interaction with elements that appear on the screen: Users should always feel a sense of control to easily manipulate the objects that are necessary to execute a task in a manner similar to if the object were a physical item. 

Why is user interface important?

A user interface is imperative to meet user expectations and support the effective functioning of any website. 

A well-executed user interface facilitates effective interaction between users and a program, app, or machine via contrasting visuals, clean design, and responsiveness. 

So, when designing a UI, it’s imperative to always consider the user’s expectations in terms of visual aesthetic, accessibility, and ease of use. 

This is because an optimal mix of unique visuals and efficient responsiveness can improve a website’s conversion rates, since it anticipates users’ needs, and then satisfies them.

What is the difference between user interface (UI) vs user experience (UX)? 

Often confused with user experience (UX) design, UI design mainly revolves around the surface and overall feel of an application or program. 

This means that UI design principally focuses on enabling designers to build an essential part of the user experience. UX design encompasses the entire spectrum of the user experience. 

Nonetheless, user experience and user interface are highly related and equally important, but their specifics differ. As we noted, UI focuses on the intended look and feel of the site. 

On the other hand, UX spans the entire process of conceptualisation, interface development and delivery. To contextualise this better, let’s breakdown the main differences between UX and UI:

  • UX focuses on the purpose and functionality of the product, while UI is focused on the quality of the user interaction with the product.
  • UX encompasses components like market research and identifying user needs, while UI focuses on artistic design components pertaining to the look and feel of the user’s experience. 
  • UX can be referenced in relation to almost any product, while UI mainly pertains to digital products.
  • UX focuses on the overall project management process, from ideation through development and delivery. On the other hand, UI specifically focuses on the design of the finished product.

Read more in our article on “UX Design and UI Design – What Is the Difference?

Tips and techniques for creating a good user interface

Overall, an effective UI design should always support a positive  UX. Essentially, it should have an attractive appearance, a coherent structure, and be easy for users to understand. 

Furthermore, even after the UI design is perfected, there will be some debugging and fine-tuning required once it goes live. 

To get the best outcomes, ensure to follow these tips to create a compelling user interface:

  • Be mindful of contrast
  • Keep it consistent
  • Keep relevance in mind
  • Know your target user
  • Maintain branding
  • Make it easy on the eyes
  • Design for responsiveness
  • Experiment with design
  • Focus on usability
  • Make it easy overall
  • Always proofread
  • Provide logical next steps
  • Remain predictable


User interface design is like working on a blueprint for a house that is not complete without a representation of doors, windows, or utility connections for water and electricity. 

Remember, interface design primarily focuses on three areas of concern: 

  • The design of interfaces between software components
  • The design of interfaces between software and other non-human producers and consumers of information 
  • The design of the interface between a human (the user) and the computer.

While it’s true that user interface design has advanced, one still encounters user interfaces that are inherently difficult to learn, use, confusing, and in many cases, very frustrating. 

Yet, a designer spent time and resources building the interface, and it’s not likely that the designer created these problems purposely.

To avert such instances, user interface design should focus on the study of people as much as technology issues. 

For example, who is the user, and how does the user learn to interact with a new computer system? 

Or how does the user interpret data generated by the system? 

What will the user exactly expect of the system? 

These are some of the many questions that must be asked and answered during user interface design.

Reach us at Netizen Experience for UI/UX design services in Malaysia.