User Experience Consulting Services

More than just a user research consulting firm, over 100 forward thinking clients see Netizen eXperience as their Innovation Partner to build better & profitable digital products
UX Consulting

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Our Services

User Research

User Research

Aimed towards collecting UX research insights on usability issues of the target customers. Our techniques include conducting both qualitative research and quantitative research. Includes techniques like depth interview, expert review, customer journey map, surveys, card sorting, in-field research and observations, diary studies, task modelling.

User Testing

Evaluating the usability of a product / app / website to check its readiness for real users. Includes techniques like surveys, A/B testing (Multi variant testing), focus group discussions, Beta testing, Guerilla testing, User Acceptance test (UAT), Eye tracking, competitor testing, benchmarking.
User Testing
UX Design

UX Design

The process of integrating all aspects of a product: design, branding, usability and function. Includes User Experience Design and User Interface Design by creating prototypes, visual designs, information architecture, front end development (CSS/HTML), mobile interface/mobile responsive design, service design and stakeholder workshops.

Web Development

Evaluating and co-working on web development projects for customers. Includes front-end development, back-end development, support and maintenance, site management and updates.
Web Development
Digital Analytics Optimization Service

Analytics and Optimization

Tracking all platforms and touchpoints received from different data sources like web traffic analytics, customer complaints, heat maps, etc. Includes user behavior analysis, conversion funnel analytics, sales performance tracking, social media analytics, cross-platform analytics, loading speed, browser performance, etc.

Asian-focused UX Consulting Services

We specialize in strategy planning, analyzing, designing, and evaluating the interaction between users, systems and businesses. Armed with the user insights, we create positive, user-friendly experiences which support an organization’s business goals to increase its conversion rates.

We’ve been carrying out User Experience Consultant work and User Research Services across Asian market such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam & Philippines.

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What is UX Consulting?

The right set of UX processes, tools and techniques help in optimizing the expenses of a company.

And that’s what UX consulting does for you!

Our services are intended to help organisations improve the usability of their products.

At Netizen eXperience, we offer holistic research and strategies to create a user-centric evaluation of products. We partner with your in-house design staff to equip them with the best UX practices at all stages of the product development cycle.

Why invest in UX (User Experience)?

Whether you’re a product manager, marketer, designer, developer or policy maker from any industry, there are lots of reasons to look into UX of your product and services. Good UX gives you a competitive advantage and helps to achieve your organizational goals.

How can our UX Consultants help?

Create amazing user experiences
Help you to discover user needs and work towards managing usability related issues

Create a standard UX process
Develop an agile UX methodology and leverage it within your products

Discover new business leads
Help you identify untapped business opportunities

Optimise expenses
Help you save on time and resources spent on design, research and development of products

Improve business performance
Help you improve your ROI by measuring the effectiveness of your UX designs

Provide UX training to design staff
Foster internal learning by training and educating your design staff on UX methodologies

What are the advantages of good UX?
  • Less Support & Training
  • Greater marketing ROI
  • Higher Sales or Conversion
  • Reduced Development Cost
  • Improved User Satisfaction
  • Improved Customer Loyalty